Thursday 9 August 2012

What is Foreplay? Part 1

Some week ago on Facebook, the social barometer du jour, I asked people to define sex, and a couple of days later, to define Foreplay. The former got 32 replies, the latter only 10.... Which I think says a lot. I'm going to talk about Foreplay in 2 or 3 posts, but here are a selection of the replies to get you started....  with thanks to my friends who commented :-)

Define Sex

"Anything where someone consciously brings you to orgasm. Whether you're conscious or not."

"It's been so long I've forgotten, pretty sure this, right now, isn't it. Pretty sure this is social networking. I know if you're Christian, you're supposed to squeeze guilt in there somewhere."

"Anything I'm not allowed to do with another woman..."

"It's been so long I've forgotten, pretty sure this, right now, isn't it. Pretty sure this is social networking. I know if you're Christian, you're supposed to squeeze guilt in there somewhere."

"My old flatmate defined sex as anytime she had an orgasm-either with another man/woman or herself. On the same note if she hooked up with a dude/woman and didn't orgasm she said it didn't count towards her number of sexual partners."

"Ok, penetrating yourself DEFINITELY doesn't count."

"What I don't understand is why we are hung up on sex but don't consider intimacy. Is it worse for a guy to have sex with a prostitute or a kiss on the lips with an ex partner? Isn't it the level of intimacy between them that changes it from a joint masturbatory act into sex?"

Define Foreplay

"he empties the dishwasher."


"giving the sheets a scrape ? :P"


"Better than sex."

So, some interesting answers on Foreplay compared with the sex ones. I think I would define it as the pleasurable stuff before orgasms happen, but I think some might say it's the pleasurable stuff before penetration. Some might want to distinguish between genital and non genital stimulation. Some might just want some!

More anon....

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